Stellar products but no audience?

There are 4 billion people on social media, pushing 200 billion messages into the world every day.

The only way to consistently go viral is to learn how to grab, hold, and monetize attention.

Join Viral Trends to get access to proven, data-driven strategies to build a loyal audience ready to buy from you.

Why you need Viral Trends

You’re one viral hit away from…

Building a loyal audience from scratch who’s ready to buy from you

Financial freedom

New clients filling up your inbox

Let’s do the math...

Say your current content is generating 1,000 views a video.
Of the 1,000 people viewing your content, 50% are your core target audience (i.e. 500 people).

Now imagine you learn how to take your average from 1,000 views on your content to 100,000 views.
With this new scale, the percentage of your core target audience viewing your videos might drop to 20% (as expected with scale).

You just went from reaching 500 to 20,000 potential customers with a single piece of content you produce.

How would that impact your revenue?

This process has helped create content that’s generated

+60 billion


+100 million


+1 billion


What is Viral Trends

To help you with this process, our team developed Viral Trends, a unique membership designed to equip you with all the tools required to go viral consistently. No matter how many followers you have or How big your marketing budget is.

The core pillars of Viral Trends are:

  • Weekly Viral Mastermind Calls
  • Weekly Viral Research Sheets
  • Hands-on Viral Activation Guides
  • Interviews with world-leading experts
What is Viral Trends

Viral Masterminds

How have we continuously generated record-breaking numbers in an ever-growing internet space for the last 17 years?

By constantly researching what’s working and using data to drive all our decisions.

How does it work?

Each week we get on a mastermind call where we break down the latest content formats, virality strategies, and algorithm changes taking over the internet.

We reverse engineer why the world’s top content creators go viral and replicate their strategies to grow audiences for our A-list clients.

Now for the first time ever, we’re giving access to the full recording of our private, internal mastermind calls to only our Viral Trends members.

Viral Content Engineering

Step 1

Viral Content Analysis

Breaking down what’s working on social media and, more importantly, WHY it’s working.

Step 2

Data-driven Ideation

Identifying the winning formats that are taking over social platforms RIGHT NOW.

Each mastermind call runs for 30-60 minutes and follows our signature Viral Content Engineering process:

What is Viral Trends

Trends Research

Always on top of the latest trends

Each week, we release our latest internal research sheet with the most recent trends, formats, and storytelling techniques that are driving virality.

This is the exact research we used to generate 60 billion views and 100 million followers for our A-list clients.

Access to this proprietary information alone will…

  • Give you the fine print on what goes viral right now.
  • Save you from investing your time and money in producing the wrong content.
  • And give you an unfair advantage when algorithms change.

What works today may not work tomorrow.

But when a shift happens in social trends, you can LEVERAGE this data to leapfrog your competitors and grow even faster.

What is Viral Trends

Viral Activation Guides

Engineering your virality

Information means nothing without application.

Our Viral Activation Guides will make sure you can turn the strategies you learn in Viral Trends into action steps right away.

In these guides we…

  • Explain how you can adopt the content formulas that the top 1% of social media profiles use
  • Share a list of crystal clear guidelines as simple as “do this” and “don’t do that”
  • Teach you secret formats that go viral on TikTok, Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, and other top platforms

So that you can use them to build a massive audience for your brand and turn it into scalable commerce.

What is Viral Trends

Learn from world-leading experts

Some of the recent experts featured in Viral Trends:

Craig Clemens
Alex Stemplewski
Erick Brownstein
Mike Jurkovack
Bill Gladstone
Jonathan Skogmo
David Oh
John Seifert

In addition to our Weekly Viral Masterminds, you’ll also get access to our members-only expert interviews with some of the best content marketers on the planet.

These experts have collectively generated billions in revenue, hundreds of billions of views, and hundreds of millions of followers.

In these interviews, they reveal their best strategies for…

  • Paid social media
  • Business operations
  • Follower growth
  • SEO
  • eCommerce
  • And more…

Many of them can charge up to $100,000 per day to share their advice, but as a Viral Trends member, you can pick their brains for free as a part of a single monthly membership.

Join Viral Trends Today